Essay: Wilder, Shadow of a Doubt, and Hitchcock’s Mise-en-Scène

Clues A Journal of Detection Spring 2013 CoverPick up a copy of the Spring 2013 issue of Clues: A Journal of Detection for an article on Wilder, Shadow of a Doubt, and Hitchcock’s mise-en-scène. The article was written by Donna Kornhaber of the University of Texas at Austin.

Hitchcock’s Diegetic Imagination: Thornton Wilder, Shadow of a Doubt, and Hitchcock’s Mise-en-Scène

The author considers the collaboration between Thornton Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock on Shadow of a Doubt (1943) and examines the influence of Wilder’s theories of theatrical abstraction and cinematic realism on Hitchcock’s developing sense of mise-en-scène. Wilder helped Hitchcock employ mise-en-scène as a vital tool of suspense, thus producing a thriller that turned as much on details of properties and setting as on narrative or visual devices.

Journal: Clues: A Journal of Detection
Publisher: McFarland Publishers
ISSN: 0742-4248 (Print); 1940-3046 (Online)
Subject: Popular Culture
Issue: Volume 31, Number 1 / Spring 2013
Pages: 67-78
DOI: 10.3172/CLU.31.1.67
Online Date: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Author: Donna Kornhaber
– English Department, University of Texas at Austin

For more information and a preview of the first page, visit McFarland’s website.

Clues: A Journal of Detection
For over two decades, Clues has included the best scholarship on mystery and detective fiction. With a combination of academic essays and nonfiction book reviews, Clues covers all aspects of mystery and detective fiction material in print, television and movies. As the only American scholarly journal on mystery fiction, Clues is essential reading for literature and film students and researchers; popular culture aficionados; librarians; and mystery authors, fans and critics around the globe. Visit McFarland’s website for more information.